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Wednesday 10 February 2016

8 Harry Potter Films Ranked Worst to First

SPOLIERS AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So today I will be ranking all 8 Harry Potter films, worst to first. So, without further ado, let's get started.

8. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
The penultimate film in the series was also the worst. Much like The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 (which is still an amazing film) The Deathly Hallows Part 1 suffers from a stretched story and basically nothing happening. The first 45 minutes and the last 15 are brilliant, however inbetween that there is a long interval of basically nothing happening, which is very dull. Overall, the film is still good, just not brilliant.

Rating: 6.5/10

7. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
The first Harry Potter film suffers from poor acting and very poor special effects. There is also the big problem where they have to introduce all the characters, and the Harry Potter franchise has a lot of characters. There are some brilliant parts, such as the introduction of Hagrid and the giant chess game at the end. However, this film overall suffers from poor child acting and quite a rushed story.

Rating: 7/10

6. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

The second Harry Potter is only slightly better than the first. It again suffers from very poor child acting and also bad effects, except for, of course, the Basilisk. The story, based off the book by J.K. Rowling, is brilliant and is full of complicated twists and turns. Also, the locations, such as Hogwarts and the Chamber of Secrets, feel very real and awesome. Overall, this film is not excellent because of the actors but it manages to continue with this brilliant world.

Rating: 7/10

5. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

This is where it gets good. The sixth Harry Potter is a brilliant addition to the franchise, but not the best. It is the first film to have a massive focus on Dumbledore, as it sees Harry and Dumbledore team up to hunt down the Horcruxes. Even though it does not feature Lord Voldemort himself, it does feature some other creepy villains, such as Bellatrix Lestrange and Fenrir Greyback. Overall, this film is an absolutely brilliant addition to the franchise and it heart-wrenching ending leads into the next two films seamlessly.

Rating: 7.5/10

4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

The Goblet of Fire is a very strange film, and a film that paved the way for films such as The Hunger Games, Divergent and the 100, among others. It sees Harry get plunged into the Triwizard Tournament, a tournament that makes him face off against dragons, mermaids and killer mazes. This film features one of the most foreboding endings in movie history, with the return of Lord Voldemort. It also features the return of Wormtail and new villain Barty Crouch Jr., played by the brilliant actor David Tennant. Overall, this film introduces some great characters into the franchise, such as Viktor Krum, Mad-Eye Moody and Rita Skeeter and is a complete success.

Rating: 7.5/10

3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

This film, the 3rd in the franchise, is one of the best, and seems to be when the series matured. This film has a brilliant story, and introduces two very interesting characters: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. It also introduces the Dementors, extremely creepy creatures who can suck the soul out. The film also introduces a plot device in the Prophecy, which would become a lot more important in the next few films. Overall, the film is a brilliant one, and is the first one to start to introduce the dangers of Lord Voldemort.

Rating: 8/10

2. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

The Order of the Phoenix is the film that signifies the beginning of the end for the franchise. It sees the first proper battle between Lord Voldemort and Harry, and also introduces a large cast of new characters, including Nymphadora Tonks, Luna Lovegood, Bellatrix Lestrange, Kingsley Shacklebolt and Mrs. Figg, among others. The Dementors also return in this film to plague the protagonists again and finally sees a humoungous battle between the titular Order of the Phoenix and their opposition, the evil Death Eaters. Overall, the film is an absolutely brilliant one and is by far better than its previous counterparts.

Rating: 8/10

1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

The last film in the franchise is by far the best. Continuing the story of Harry's hunt for the horcruxes, it sees all of the mysteries from the previous films explained and more. It also features the climax of, not just Harry's story, but also most of the other characters, and also sees many sad and unexpected deaths, such as Fred's, Lupin's, and Tonks', among others, Overall, the film is absolutely brilliant and is my favourite fantasy film of all time.

Rating: 8.5/10

So, guys there you have it, the 8 Harry Potter Films Ranked. My next post will be my Top 10 Films of All Time. Thanks for reading. Goodbye

Monday 1 February 2016

Blog Update #2

Hello guys. Now, as you may know I have not been writing much on my blog recently. This is because I have been writing scripts for a short film that will be up on Youtube in about May-time called The Memory Cage, based off the book. However, now that I have finished this blog I will be devoting a lot more of my time to my blog.

I will be doing quite a few posts, starting with "8 Harry Potter Films Ranked". I will also be doing some more ranked posts, such as "15 Pixar Films Ranked" and "12 MCU Films Ranked". However, this is not all I will be doing. I am also planning to do some game, film and TV reviews, some theory posts and even the occasional post on our short films.

My next post, released later this week, will be "New Who Doctor Who Episodes Ranked Worst to First [1 of 7]" which will have the first 18 worst episodes of Doctor Who. I will also be doing my top 10 films of all time, and then a post about our new film. I will try to do 3-4 posts a week, instead of the 1 a month I had previously been doing.

I really hope you do enjoy these new posts and that you will stay tuned. Subjects will include Doctor Who, Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, X-Files, Star Wars, Superheroes, other awesome films etc. etc. etc. So if you are interested in, well, just anything geeky, then stay tuned.

Thursday 31 December 2015

Doctor Who Series 9 Episodes Ranked Worst To First [1]

Series 9 of Doctor Who recently finished with the Christmas special, The Husbands of River Song. Very similar to my first post, I will be ranking the episodes of Series 9 worst to first, however this time I will be including the Christmas special. So, without any further ado, here goes:

13. The Husbands of River Song

The Husbands of River Song is a very strange episode of Doctor Who. Following the Doctor and River running from a headless robot through space, the episode was very strange and very original. Completely different in tone to the previous Christmas special, Last Christmas, this episode was full of jokes and fun. Many people hated it, thinking that it was too light-hearted and story was appalling, but I thought that, as it is the first jokey episode of Doctor Who since The Girl Who Died, this made for an excellent piece of comedy.

The ending of the episode was the part of it that reached the most success. With the Doctor taking River Song to the Singing Towers of Garillium for their last dinner together, the Doctor ended up crying because he knew what was in store for River Song next: her death. (I will probably be doing a post about River Song's complete timeline now that her story is complete).

This episode was overall a very well-done masterpiece, with a lot of humour and jokes. And, with the ending being so heartbreaking, this episode will go down as one of the best Christmas specials of Doctor Who yet.

Score: 8.5/10

12. Sleep No More
Sleep No More was the 10th and worst episode of Series 9. This is because the story was a bit dull in places and had quite an unsatisfying ending. However, except for these few flaws, this episode was brilliant.

Full of outrageous action, brilliant effects and creepy monsters that are grounded into realism, this episode is the only episode of New Who so far which has been entirely told as a Found-Footage. The way the cameras are used are brilliant, and when an explanation for the camera's existence is given, it is both extremely smart and very confusing.

The final scene with the scientist telling the story turning out to be one of the nefarious Sandmen is by far the best scene in the whole episode. Giving us a very creepy view of what life would be like if the Sandmen ruled the earth, also seemingly setting up the return of the Sandmen.

The episode was a very creepy and very good one, but was the worst of the series, mainly because it didn't seem to fit into the series as a whole. However, except for that, this episode was very, very good.

Score: 9/10

11. Before the Flood

Before the Flood, the 4th episode of the series is also one of the worst. However, it is not bad. It is a brilliantly-told story, let down only by the effects and the main villain having next-to-nothing to do for the whole episode.

The last episode left off with the Doctor's ghost revealing itself to Clara and her friends. The Doctor and his friends had gone back in time to solve the mystery of why the ghosts existed and who was creating them in the first place. The episode used the idea of having one time zone affect another brilliantly, having the ghosts of people who died in the past appearing in the future. The episode also focused a lot more on the Doctor, as he tried to come to terms with the fact that he had to die to save his friends in the past.

The way the episode was done was also brilliant, especially the scene where one of the ghosts is dragging an axe along the floor behind his to-be victim who is deaf. The effects are widely varying, as the ghosts completely authentic and creepy, while the Fisher King being pushed away by the flood does not.

Overall, this episode is let down by the SFX and its villain the Fisher King. However, except for that, this episode is really a massive achievement by the BBC.

Score: 9/10

10. The Woman Who Lived

A very strange episode of Doctor Who, The Woman Who Lived is an episode of Doctor Who with very little action and a lot of talking. Written by Torchwood writer Catherine Tregenna, this episode was accepted by many as brilliant and by others as absolute rubbish. I am one of the former. I believe that this episode puts across very well the torment that Ashildr, or Lady Me as she calls herself in this episode, feels. This episode puts a lot of pain and realism into immortal life.

The story of the Lion King Leandro is not a good one, and is one of the worst monster stories of all time for Doctor Who. However, that can be put aside for the brilliance the rest of the episode shows, e.g. the interaction between the Doctor and Lady Me.

I highly recommend the book The Legends of Ashildr, a short story collection about Ashildr's long life. It really shows the pain of Ashildr's life, and makes this episode feel a lot more real and personal.

This episode is a brilliant one and really gives a sense of adventure and excitement, while also making for a sad and personal episode.

Score: 9/10

That's all from me now, but Part 2 will be up tomorrow and part 3 on 2nd January 2016. Thank you for reading and have a happy new year.

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Everything We Know About Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Star Wars: The Force Awakens is already one of the most successful films of all time and it hasn’t even been released yet. It is probably the most hyped and anticipated film of all time, with over 16,500 people voting for it as Most Anticipated Film of 2015 on Movie Insider. So on this article, I will be detailing everything we know about Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
There have been many trailers for it, which tell us a lot. Firstly, we know that there will be a new villain called Kylo Ren. He will be the leader of the First Order, a small group that have come together after the fall of the Empire. These Stormtroopers look very different, their helmets are a much more prominent style, with features standing out a lot. Their commander, Captain Phasma, is another newly designed Stormtrooper, who looks very cool. His almost completely black suit looks like he will be a very important Stormtrooper, within the ranks of General Rex or Commander Cody.

At the end of the second trailer we see the reintroduction of Han Solo and Chewbacca, which made quite a few Star Wars fans weep. These two characters can be seen in later trailers to be very important characters in the film, unlike the likes of Princess Leia or Luke Skywalker.

Now, it seems that they have been absent from the Rebel Alliance (but now they’re not really Rebels, so I don’t know what they are called), so does this mean there was some terrible ordeal that they had to go through and were believed dead or maybe they were sent on a very important mission on some sort of barren planet that they had got stuck on for decades.

BB-8 is a new droid who seems to be taking the place of R2-D2 in this film. A very strange little droid, it seems to be some kind of Astromech droid with a very peculiar way of travelling. Along with BB-8, we also have the introduction of the three new, main, heroes: Rey (Daisy Ridley), Finn (John Boyega) and Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac). Rey is a girl from a desert planet called Jakku, who lives in a ship graveyard. Then we have Finn, who seems to be a rogue Stormtrooper, trying to find his way in life. According to the trailers, Finn is the Jedi of this film, wielding a blue lightsaber. Finally is Poe Dameron. From almost every single shot we have seen him in, Poe is next to an X-Wing wearing the costume of an X-Wing Pilot. This implies that Poe will be playing this film’s version of Wedge Antilles.

So, overall this film is ultimately going to be a massive success, but the question we’re asking is…will it deserve it. Hopefully the answer is yes. 

Thursday 26 November 2015

Captain America: Civil War Trailer Breakdown

I know I said that my next post would be a Flash: Gorilla Warfare review, but, because of the release of the Captain America: Civil War trailer, I am deciding to to do a breakdown of that trailer. But, if you wanted to read my Flash review, don't worry because I will still publish it, just a bit later in the week (Friday-Saturday).

Before I start, the a link to the trailer is right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43NWzay3W4s

Captain America: Civil War

The trailer started with Captain America and Falcon confronting Bucky Barnes, who, in the previous Captain America film, played brainwashed villain the Winter Soldier. Bucky seems to remember who Captain America is now, and seems to know everything about him. Captain America then warns Bucky that people are coming to capture him...and are not intending to bring him alive.

This then ensues into a battle with the local SWAT team, where Cap and Falcon attack the soldiers while Bucky escapes.

This action sequence starts the trailer off brilliantly, and confirms that the action we will get will be awesome. And then, as usual, we have slow music to continue the trailer.

The next scene we see a helicopter flying over the ocean with a SHIELD logo on its side. This helicopter probably contains General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross, one of the main antagonists of the Incredible Hulk.

We then see him in the next shot in some kind of militaristic facility, perhaps the Avengers tower, which then leads into him giving some sort of pep talk to Captain America, with Black Widow also present in the room.

Thunderbolt was talking to Cap about the difference between a hero and a vigilante, and how some people are starting to see him as the latter.

Another thing we see a quick glimpse of is a book called the Sovokia Accords. Sovokia is the fictional country in which the final battle happened between the Avengers and Ultron in Avengers: Age of Ultron. It is also the birthplace of Scarlet Witch, who I will be talking about later.

It seems Bucky also seems to have returned to America, as he rides a motorcycle down a busy road. While this is happening, Black Widow is talking to the Captain, trying to convince him not to continue protecting Bucky. The Captain takes this as a threat, which is probably the start of him going rogue.

We subsequently see many trained soldiers pointing their weapons at Captain America and then the first appearance of Iron Man in this trailer. He is definitely wearing a new suit (Mk. 50? 60?) and, when taking the helmet off, seems to have a black eye. Does this imply that he and the Cap have already had a fight, or maybe he has fought Bucky?

Then we see a shot of Captain America's suit being taken away, along with the Falcon's. This is probably the main reason that the two heroes aren't in costume when confronting Bucky at the beginning of the trailer.

We then see Bucky getting a gun, in what looks like a new version of the Winter Soldier suit, and Captain America standing next to him, both of them looking ready for war. The shot also seems to foreshadow what I think will happen, which is that Bucky will be the new Captain America following this film.

Then we get to the action. First is Falcon jumping off a building and engaging his wings. Then Captain America is being shot at by a helicopter. Black Widow now talks about how they both know that there is going to be a war.

There is a team shot featuring Iron Man and War Machine (Iron Man's surprisingly small team) and then another team shot of Captain America's team, consisting of Captain America, Bucky, Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch.

Then Bucky seems to be desperately running away from Iron Man, who seems to be shooting at him. A clear shot is then seen of Black Panther, who looks absolutely astounding. His sleek black suit and silver, metal spikes make it seem very olde-worlde and very, very cool. 

This is our first, proper look at the hero, and he looks epic. Then another shot of the Cap's team running into action. Now we see something that I was very surprised at...Black Panther fighting Bucky. I very much expected Black Panther to be on Cap's side, as he is in the comics.

Then we see Black Widow fighting soldiers (S.H.I.E.L.D) which is another surprising shot...is Black Widow against the agency that employed her?

Then we have a chase between Captain America, Black Panther and Bucky.

Then we have a montage of the fallen. War Machine is seen unconscious on the ground. He may even be dead. Then Bucky looking like he's regretting everything and finally, a fight scene between Iron Man, Captain America and Bucky.

From this trailer, the film looks excellent and the next trailer will hopefully be even better. If you would like me do a post on a) a theory post on what will happen or b) Who is Black Panther? then leave it in the comments below.

Thank you for reading and I will see you next time for my Gorilla Warfare review.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Doctor Who Heaven Sent Trailer #2 Breakdown

On the same day that Face the Raven, we got two new trailers for the next episode: Heaven Sent. I am going to be looking at the second trailer, because it has more detail and has more things to look at.

If you would like to see this trailer before I start, here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qph1iXXocPQ

1. The Monster

The monster in this episode looks extremely creepy, like something straight from a 15-rated horror movie. 
This creature is probably going to be called the Veil, a creature we know will be in an episode. As the Doctor describes it, the monster seems to be following him, hunting him. It is slow, but it never stops. In the trailer, the Doctor seems to be almost afraid of it...and the Doctor's not supposed to be afraid of anything. This creature must be powerful, and also very creepy, if the Doctor is going to be scared of it himself.

In the next time trailer, the Doctor seems to think he knows this creature, that its someone he's met before, Now, we haven't met any creature like this before in Doctor Who, but that doesn't mean it couldn't be someone the Doctor knows but we don't. 

The Doctor also seems to think this monster played some part in the death of Clara, which he will be coming back to constantly in the next two episodes.

2. The Location

This location seems to be some sort of remote prison island in the middle of a vast sea. It seems to be an ever-moving structure which is trying to scare the Doctor to death...maybe even literally. On one of the shots you can see the structure is moving like a rubik's cube, and in another there is a painting of Clara. It's as if the island itself is trying to torture the Doctor mentally. And in one shot we also see the Doctor bruised and wounded, as if he's dying. This could mean it's also torturing him mentally.

3. The Doctor

This episode will obviously focus solely on the Doctor, as he (and the Veil) is the only character in this episode. It seems he will have to go through both mental and physical hell, and will have to solve countless puzzles to be able to escape from this monstrous structure.
The Doctor is also going to be very angry and regretful about Clara's death and the events of the previous episode, and he will probably channel this anger into his plans of escape. 

As I mentioned earlier, the Doctor seems to be scared of this creature, which means it must be either very powerful or very, very frightening.

4. The Action

The first trailer, the next time trailer, makes the episode seem quite calm and quietly creepy, instead of full of action. However, the second trailer makes the episode look very action-packed and will thrust the Doctor into action.

It seems that the Doctor will be pulling off a large number of stunts, such as jumping off a building and punching a large, crystallized wall. The Doctor also seems to be digging some kind of grave or hole, maybe to trap the monster in (but probably not).

So that's the trailer breakdown for Heaven Sent. My next post, which will be on Thursday, is going to be a review on the tonight's episode of Flash: Gorilla Warfare.

Monday 23 November 2015

Top 5 Doctor Who Episodes

Hi guys. Today I'm going to be revealing my top 5 episodes of Doctor Who. These only include episodes of New Who (2005-) and will also only include full-length episodes. I know I promised to post blogs more often, and this will be the first of many. So, without further ado, here are my top 10 Doctor Who episodes.

#5-The Pandorica Opens

The Pandorica Opens is amazing for one reason...it has everything in it. Romans, Stonehenge, River Song, Cybermen heads with killer tentacles, Daleks, creepy houses, a prison for the doctor...it just has everything.

The episode's pre-credits sequence is brilliant, when a Van Gogh painting of the TARDIS exploding is sent from Van Gogh to Churchill, then to Liz 10, then to River Song and finally to the Doctor himself, in Roman England. The story is just a rollercoaster from there, featuring the Doctor finding the legendary Pandorica under Stonehenge, the Romans turning out to be Autons, Amy killed by her plastic boyfriend and much more.

This episode is filled with suspense, but also witha couple of jokes, and the occasional tear-jerking. The four different cliffhangers all clash brilliantly. A brilliant finale, the only thing that could've made this episode better is for more of the Alliance to be seen, and for them to be seen more extensively.


#4-The Stolen Earth  

The Stolen Earth is the penultimate episode of Series 4 and, just like the Pandorica Opens, features everything. But this time, it's returning heroes...not villains.

Chronicling the Daleks' attack on Earth, the episode saw the return of many of the Doctor's trusted companions, including Rose (Billie Piper), Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman), Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman), Mickey Smith (Noel Clarke), Jackie Tyler (Camille Coduri), Wilfred Mott (Bernard Cribbins) and many others. It also saw the return of Classic Who villain Davros, and the iconic Davros.

This episode is one of the best Doctor Who episodes because it focuses a lot more on the companions than the Doctor fighting the monsters. An episode filled with suspense, it ends with a brilliant and chilling cliffhanger...the Doctor regenerating.


#3-The Waters of Mars

The Waters of Mars is the 3rd of the five specials of Series 4. This episode is one of the scariest episodes of New Who, and makes the viewer temporarily scared of water itself.

The episode also sees the Doctor go completely omnipotent and breaks the rules of time, changing a fixed point. The Flood are one of the creepiest monsters ever to exist in Doctor Who and make this episode even more of a rollercoaster.

Overall, this episode (written by Phil Ford (Into the Dalek) and Russell T Davies (The Stolen Earth) is a brilliant addition to the Doctor Who mythos, and is truly the beginning of the end for David Tennant.


#2-Last Christmas

Last Christmas is the 2014 Christmas Special, and sees the Doctor and Clara face Dream Crabs, creatures that eat your face while you are in a  perpetual dream. The episode introduces another one of the creepiest Doctor Who monsters (Dream Crabs) and also introduces Doctor Who's version of Santa, played by Nick Frost.

The episode also introduces us to Shona, a Russian girl who is very feisty and makes for a very funny character. She has been suggested to be the new companion numerously over the internet, and now with Clara gone, it is possible she may step in.


Honourable Mentions

Before I unveil my top pick, here are some honorable mentions.

  • Blink-The creepiest episode of Doctor Who ever and one of the best. (2007)
  • Human Nature/The Family of Blood-A brilliant episode which makes the Doctor much more humane. (2007)
  • The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion-A classic piece about a rogue group of Zygons attacking the Earth. (2015)
  • Dark Water/Death in Heaven-A dark and gritty two-parter introducing the female Master-Missy. (2014)
  • Under the Lake-A fantastic ghost story set underwater. A true piece of Sci-Fi Horror. (2015)

#1-Face the Raven

Face the Raven was the most recent episode of Doctor Who broadcast...and the best. Starting with your average Doctor Who plot of a mysterious tattoo on the back of Rigsy's neck...which turned out to be a countdown to his death. However, as the tale continued it featured some twists...such as Clara taking the tattoo from Rigsy and the return of Ishildr (a.k.a Lady Me). 

Up until then, the episode was still a brilliant one, but not the best. However the last scene, when Clara learnt that taking the tattoo from Rigsy was fatal, made it so good. Clara saying goodbye, and the Doctor swearing he would take his revenge on Me if she didn't do anything made it even better.

But the package was properly complete when Clara stepped outside the house she was inside and faced the Raven. And then...she was dead. The shocking end made for a brilliant episode, and by far the best ending for a companion.


Thank you for reading. My next post will be a trailer breakdown on the second trailer for the next Doctor Who episode: Heaven Sent.