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Monday 23 November 2015

Top 5 Doctor Who Episodes

Hi guys. Today I'm going to be revealing my top 5 episodes of Doctor Who. These only include episodes of New Who (2005-) and will also only include full-length episodes. I know I promised to post blogs more often, and this will be the first of many. So, without further ado, here are my top 10 Doctor Who episodes.

#5-The Pandorica Opens

The Pandorica Opens is amazing for one reason...it has everything in it. Romans, Stonehenge, River Song, Cybermen heads with killer tentacles, Daleks, creepy houses, a prison for the doctor...it just has everything.

The episode's pre-credits sequence is brilliant, when a Van Gogh painting of the TARDIS exploding is sent from Van Gogh to Churchill, then to Liz 10, then to River Song and finally to the Doctor himself, in Roman England. The story is just a rollercoaster from there, featuring the Doctor finding the legendary Pandorica under Stonehenge, the Romans turning out to be Autons, Amy killed by her plastic boyfriend and much more.

This episode is filled with suspense, but also witha couple of jokes, and the occasional tear-jerking. The four different cliffhangers all clash brilliantly. A brilliant finale, the only thing that could've made this episode better is for more of the Alliance to be seen, and for them to be seen more extensively.


#4-The Stolen Earth  

The Stolen Earth is the penultimate episode of Series 4 and, just like the Pandorica Opens, features everything. But this time, it's returning heroes...not villains.

Chronicling the Daleks' attack on Earth, the episode saw the return of many of the Doctor's trusted companions, including Rose (Billie Piper), Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman), Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman), Mickey Smith (Noel Clarke), Jackie Tyler (Camille Coduri), Wilfred Mott (Bernard Cribbins) and many others. It also saw the return of Classic Who villain Davros, and the iconic Davros.

This episode is one of the best Doctor Who episodes because it focuses a lot more on the companions than the Doctor fighting the monsters. An episode filled with suspense, it ends with a brilliant and chilling cliffhanger...the Doctor regenerating.


#3-The Waters of Mars

The Waters of Mars is the 3rd of the five specials of Series 4. This episode is one of the scariest episodes of New Who, and makes the viewer temporarily scared of water itself.

The episode also sees the Doctor go completely omnipotent and breaks the rules of time, changing a fixed point. The Flood are one of the creepiest monsters ever to exist in Doctor Who and make this episode even more of a rollercoaster.

Overall, this episode (written by Phil Ford (Into the Dalek) and Russell T Davies (The Stolen Earth) is a brilliant addition to the Doctor Who mythos, and is truly the beginning of the end for David Tennant.


#2-Last Christmas

Last Christmas is the 2014 Christmas Special, and sees the Doctor and Clara face Dream Crabs, creatures that eat your face while you are in a  perpetual dream. The episode introduces another one of the creepiest Doctor Who monsters (Dream Crabs) and also introduces Doctor Who's version of Santa, played by Nick Frost.

The episode also introduces us to Shona, a Russian girl who is very feisty and makes for a very funny character. She has been suggested to be the new companion numerously over the internet, and now with Clara gone, it is possible she may step in.


Honourable Mentions

Before I unveil my top pick, here are some honorable mentions.

  • Blink-The creepiest episode of Doctor Who ever and one of the best. (2007)
  • Human Nature/The Family of Blood-A brilliant episode which makes the Doctor much more humane. (2007)
  • The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion-A classic piece about a rogue group of Zygons attacking the Earth. (2015)
  • Dark Water/Death in Heaven-A dark and gritty two-parter introducing the female Master-Missy. (2014)
  • Under the Lake-A fantastic ghost story set underwater. A true piece of Sci-Fi Horror. (2015)

#1-Face the Raven

Face the Raven was the most recent episode of Doctor Who broadcast...and the best. Starting with your average Doctor Who plot of a mysterious tattoo on the back of Rigsy's neck...which turned out to be a countdown to his death. However, as the tale continued it featured some twists...such as Clara taking the tattoo from Rigsy and the return of Ishildr (a.k.a Lady Me). 

Up until then, the episode was still a brilliant one, but not the best. However the last scene, when Clara learnt that taking the tattoo from Rigsy was fatal, made it so good. Clara saying goodbye, and the Doctor swearing he would take his revenge on Me if she didn't do anything made it even better.

But the package was properly complete when Clara stepped outside the house she was inside and faced the Raven. And then...she was dead. The shocking end made for a brilliant episode, and by far the best ending for a companion.


Thank you for reading. My next post will be a trailer breakdown on the second trailer for the next Doctor Who episode: Heaven Sent.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting thoughts. I have done a top 5 DW stories posts so go and check it out Thomas. Your post culd have been a bit longer though, as I am interested into why you liked it all much.

    When are we doing the collaboration channel??
