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Wednesday 10 February 2016

8 Harry Potter Films Ranked Worst to First

SPOLIERS AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So today I will be ranking all 8 Harry Potter films, worst to first. So, without further ado, let's get started.

8. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
The penultimate film in the series was also the worst. Much like The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 (which is still an amazing film) The Deathly Hallows Part 1 suffers from a stretched story and basically nothing happening. The first 45 minutes and the last 15 are brilliant, however inbetween that there is a long interval of basically nothing happening, which is very dull. Overall, the film is still good, just not brilliant.

Rating: 6.5/10

7. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
The first Harry Potter film suffers from poor acting and very poor special effects. There is also the big problem where they have to introduce all the characters, and the Harry Potter franchise has a lot of characters. There are some brilliant parts, such as the introduction of Hagrid and the giant chess game at the end. However, this film overall suffers from poor child acting and quite a rushed story.

Rating: 7/10

6. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

The second Harry Potter is only slightly better than the first. It again suffers from very poor child acting and also bad effects, except for, of course, the Basilisk. The story, based off the book by J.K. Rowling, is brilliant and is full of complicated twists and turns. Also, the locations, such as Hogwarts and the Chamber of Secrets, feel very real and awesome. Overall, this film is not excellent because of the actors but it manages to continue with this brilliant world.

Rating: 7/10

5. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

This is where it gets good. The sixth Harry Potter is a brilliant addition to the franchise, but not the best. It is the first film to have a massive focus on Dumbledore, as it sees Harry and Dumbledore team up to hunt down the Horcruxes. Even though it does not feature Lord Voldemort himself, it does feature some other creepy villains, such as Bellatrix Lestrange and Fenrir Greyback. Overall, this film is an absolutely brilliant addition to the franchise and it heart-wrenching ending leads into the next two films seamlessly.

Rating: 7.5/10

4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

The Goblet of Fire is a very strange film, and a film that paved the way for films such as The Hunger Games, Divergent and the 100, among others. It sees Harry get plunged into the Triwizard Tournament, a tournament that makes him face off against dragons, mermaids and killer mazes. This film features one of the most foreboding endings in movie history, with the return of Lord Voldemort. It also features the return of Wormtail and new villain Barty Crouch Jr., played by the brilliant actor David Tennant. Overall, this film introduces some great characters into the franchise, such as Viktor Krum, Mad-Eye Moody and Rita Skeeter and is a complete success.

Rating: 7.5/10

3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

This film, the 3rd in the franchise, is one of the best, and seems to be when the series matured. This film has a brilliant story, and introduces two very interesting characters: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. It also introduces the Dementors, extremely creepy creatures who can suck the soul out. The film also introduces a plot device in the Prophecy, which would become a lot more important in the next few films. Overall, the film is a brilliant one, and is the first one to start to introduce the dangers of Lord Voldemort.

Rating: 8/10

2. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

The Order of the Phoenix is the film that signifies the beginning of the end for the franchise. It sees the first proper battle between Lord Voldemort and Harry, and also introduces a large cast of new characters, including Nymphadora Tonks, Luna Lovegood, Bellatrix Lestrange, Kingsley Shacklebolt and Mrs. Figg, among others. The Dementors also return in this film to plague the protagonists again and finally sees a humoungous battle between the titular Order of the Phoenix and their opposition, the evil Death Eaters. Overall, the film is an absolutely brilliant one and is by far better than its previous counterparts.

Rating: 8/10

1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

The last film in the franchise is by far the best. Continuing the story of Harry's hunt for the horcruxes, it sees all of the mysteries from the previous films explained and more. It also features the climax of, not just Harry's story, but also most of the other characters, and also sees many sad and unexpected deaths, such as Fred's, Lupin's, and Tonks', among others, Overall, the film is absolutely brilliant and is my favourite fantasy film of all time.

Rating: 8.5/10

So, guys there you have it, the 8 Harry Potter Films Ranked. My next post will be my Top 10 Films of All Time. Thanks for reading. Goodbye

Monday 1 February 2016

Blog Update #2

Hello guys. Now, as you may know I have not been writing much on my blog recently. This is because I have been writing scripts for a short film that will be up on Youtube in about May-time called The Memory Cage, based off the book. However, now that I have finished this blog I will be devoting a lot more of my time to my blog.

I will be doing quite a few posts, starting with "8 Harry Potter Films Ranked". I will also be doing some more ranked posts, such as "15 Pixar Films Ranked" and "12 MCU Films Ranked". However, this is not all I will be doing. I am also planning to do some game, film and TV reviews, some theory posts and even the occasional post on our short films.

My next post, released later this week, will be "New Who Doctor Who Episodes Ranked Worst to First [1 of 7]" which will have the first 18 worst episodes of Doctor Who. I will also be doing my top 10 films of all time, and then a post about our new film. I will try to do 3-4 posts a week, instead of the 1 a month I had previously been doing.

I really hope you do enjoy these new posts and that you will stay tuned. Subjects will include Doctor Who, Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, X-Files, Star Wars, Superheroes, other awesome films etc. etc. etc. So if you are interested in, well, just anything geeky, then stay tuned.